Need a Speaker?
I’ve given over 100 talks to audiences as large as 5,000 people. Keynoted conferences in venues including the UN, to a McKinsey convening of the world's most respected leaders in the infrastructure space. I’ve spoken at three TED events, the United States Green Building Council and top universities like Oxford, Yale and Duke. Also, graduation speaking is truly a gift. I love this stuff and take speaking engagements very seriously.
Let's Design a Talk that Works for you
TED Women, New Orleans, Louisiana
TEDx Boulder, Colorado
TEDx University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
United Nations, NEXUS Summit, New York, NY
McKinsey Global Infrastructure Initiative, Montreal, Canada
Dream Big IMAX film screenings, The Smithsonian, Washington DC (and others)
Clarkson University Graduation, Potsdam, New York
United States Green Building Council Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
PULSE Art & Technology Gathering, Savannah, Georgia
University of Oxford MBA Peer-Selected Graduation Speaker, Oxford UK
Girls in ICT Kosovo, Pristina Kosovo
Groundbreaking Women in Construction (GWIC), San Francisco, California
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia Annual Gathering, Melbourne, Australia
National Academy of Construction Annual Meeting
National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), Minneapolis, Minnesota
Construction Industry Round Table (CIRT), Tuscan, Arizona
ASCE Structural Engineers Institute (SEI), Portland, Oregon
IABSE International Conference, Madrid, Spain
International Footbridge Conference, London, UK
Construction Users Round Table (CURT) , Washington DC
Structural Engineering Institute Conference, University of Illinois
American Segmental Bridge Institute (ASBI), Miami, Florida
Structural Engineers of Illinois Convention, Chicago, Illinois
Pacific Partnership, Civilian - Military Planning Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii
ENR Groundbreaking Women in Construction, New York City, New York
Transportation Research Boards, Washington D.C.
Engineering for Change (E4C), Global Webinar
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) International Conference, Montreal
International Bridge Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Western Bridge Engineering Seminar Phoenix, AZ
International Forum for Rural Transportation Development convening, Nepal
Design for the Other 80% (D80) Conference, Michigan Tech University
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) International Conference, Seattle, WA
Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) Conference, Iowa City, IA